The Easiest Way To Remove Negative Reviews From Glassdoor

Negative reviews on Glassdoor can significantly affect a company’s ability to attract top talent. Potential employees often turn to Glassdoor to get an inside look at a company’s culture, management style, and overall work environment. When they see negative reviews, it can deter them from applying, ultimately impacting the hiring process.

The Power of Reviews

Glassdoor reviews hold a lot of weight in the job market. According to a survey by Glassdoor, 84% of job seekers say a company’s reputation as an employer is important when making a decision on where to apply. Negative reviews can create a poor first impression, making candidates hesitant to pursue opportunities with your company. This is especially true for highly skilled professionals who have multiple job offers and can afford to be selective.

Negative reviews can paint a picture of a toxic work environment, poor management, and lack of growth opportunities. These are significant red flags for job seekers. Companies with predominantly negative reviews may find it challenging to compete for talent with other firms that have better online reputations.

Impact on Company Image

When job seekers read negative reviews, they might question the company’s overall stability and future prospects. Negative comments about job security, financial health, or leadership can raise doubts. This can lead to a decrease in the number of applications, forcing the company to spend more on recruitment efforts to attract qualified candidates.

Moreover, negative reviews can affect the morale of current employees. They might feel embarrassed or discouraged by the public criticism, leading to decreased productivity and engagement. This, in turn, can create a vicious cycle where unhappy employees leave negative reviews, further damaging the company’s reputation.

Statistical Evidence

Research shows that companies with positive reviews attract more candidates. A study by Harvard Business School found that a one-star increase in a company’s Glassdoor rating leads to a 1.5% to 3.0% increase in the number of job applications. Conversely, negative reviews can lead to a reduction in applications. For instance, a decrease from four to three stars can result in a 30% drop in applicants.

This data highlights the importance of maintaining a positive online presence. Negative reviews not only impact the quantity of applicants but also the quality. Talented individuals are less likely to apply to companies with poor ratings, leaving the company with a smaller pool of qualified candidates.

Addressing Negative Reviews

To mitigate the impact of negative reviews, companies should take a proactive approach. First, it’s crucial to respond to all reviews, both positive and negative. Responding to negative reviews shows that the company values feedback and is committed to improving. This can help counteract some of the negative perceptions created by the review.

For example, a response could be: “Thank you for your feedback. We are sorry to hear about your experience and are committed to addressing these issues. Please contact us directly to discuss further.” This kind of response demonstrates that the company takes concerns seriously and is willing to take action.

Encouraging Positive Reviews

Encouraging current employees to leave positive reviews can help improve the overall rating. After significant milestones, like the completion of a major project or a successful event, ask employees to share their experiences on Glassdoor. However, it’s important to avoid pressuring employees into leaving positive reviews, as this can backfire.

Creating a positive work environment where employees feel valued and heard will naturally lead to more positive reviews. Regularly conducting employee satisfaction surveys and taking action based on the feedback can also contribute to a healthier workplace and better reviews.

How to Remove a Glassdoor Review

In some cases, you may come across a review that is blatantly false or violates Glassdoor’s community guidelines. Knowing how to remove a Glassdoor review is useful in these situations. To report a review, go to the review in question, click the flag icon, and provide details about why you believe the review should be removed. Glassdoor will then review your request and determine if it meets their criteria for removal.

Providing evidence to support your claim, such as internal records or other documentation, can strengthen your case. However, it’s important to use this option judiciously and not attempt to remove every negative review, as this can appear disingenuous.

Building a Positive Reputation

Building a positive reputation on Glassdoor requires consistent effort. Focus on creating a positive company culture where employees feel respected and valued. Offer opportunities for growth, provide constructive feedback, and recognize achievements. These practices will lead to happier employees who are more likely to leave positive reviews.

Transparency is also crucial. Be open about the company’s challenges and how you plan to address them. Employees appreciate honesty and are more likely to stay loyal to a company that is upfront about its issues and proactive in finding solutions.


Negative Glassdoor reviews can significantly impact a company’s ability to attract and retain top talent. They create a poor first impression for job seekers and can lead to decreased morale among current employees. To mitigate these effects, companies should respond to all reviews, encourage positive feedback, and focus on building a positive work environment.

Knowing how to remove a Glassdoor review that violates guidelines can also be helpful. Ultimately, creating a positive reputation on Glassdoor requires consistent effort and a genuine commitment to employee satisfaction. By taking these steps, companies can improve their online reputation and attract the best talent.